The Devil and the FCC pt. 1 (Homer Triggers)
Make Homer Suffer Without
- 3 minutes
The Devil and the FCC pt. 2 (Lisa Triggers)
Make Springfielders Round Up into an Angry Mob - 5 Characters @ 3 minutes
The Devil and the FCC pt. 3 (Lisa Triggers)
Make Willie Create a Business Plan - 3 minutes
You can now get the Manual Power Generator for 2000 money, then you will also get the Slave Labor Willie skin.The Devil and the FCC pt. 4 (Lisa Triggers)
Make Lisa Form a Committee - 12 hours
The Devil and the FCC pt. 5 (Lisa Triggers)
Make Springfielders Protest Burns' Premium Service - 5 Characters @ 8 hours
The Devil and the FCC pt. 6 (Burns Triggers)
Make Burns Promote the Electric Car - 24 hours
He's Got the Power pt. 1 (Willie Triggers - must have bought the Manual Power Generator, see above)
Make Slave Labour Willie Generate Electricity - 24 hours
He's Got the Power pt. 2 (Willie Triggers)
Make Willie Subsist on Gruel - 4 hours
Limited time (supposedly):
Red Electric Car: 35 donuts / 0.75% money and XP to all jobs
Yellow Electric Car: 40 donuts / 2.00% money and XP to all jobs
Blue Electric Car: 45 donuts / 2.25% money and XP to all jobs
Manual Power Generator: 2000 money - unlocks Slave labor Willie skin
New Permanent Tasks for Slave Labor Willie:
Sleep on a Straw Mat - 60 minutes
Subsist on Gruel (outdoor) - 4 hours
Slave His Wounds - 8 hours
Dream of Freedom - 12 hours
Generate Electricity (outdoor) - 24 hours